

silence prolongs
and we sit immobile
with only our reflections
dark and out of shape
dancing on the window glass
I look at the empty cups
and not quite fairly
I blame them for this silence
I focus all my attention
on the kettle
you light another cigarette
to hide behind the smoke



my mouth is filled
with the darkness
and thirty two teeth
I nod to everything
and I am very agreeable
in my absence
I sit back to back
with myself
and we merge into
each other
unity of free will
and determinism
I can’t hear any of you
through all the commotion
my rattling mind
makes inside
my head
I can’t answer to any of you
my mouth knows only
the shape
of the swear words
and how to howl
I rather stay in this
dark room
with these
dark eyes
with the dark sky above me
and the darkness within me


it starts somewhere
like stomach rumble
somewhere between the liver
and one of the kidneys
in the darkness
that only blood can give
in the explosion of haemoglobin
to the rhythm of the heart
it ascends
and when it reaches
solar plexus
it becomes cold
and bitter
when it gets to the throat
it is hard to breathe
it is hard to swallow saliva
it is hard to keep your eyes
it forces itself
through the clenched teeth
and pushes all the air outside
so loud
and so long
inarticulate sound
form one
stripped of everything

thousands of butterflies
move their wings


everything slowed down a bit
- my breathe
- my heartbeat
- the way my hair

everything slowed down a bit
silenced itself
became solid as concrete
and now my face
crumbles with every
and changes into dust

everything slowed down a bit
inhale and exhale
lasts eons
and only cigarettes
always seem too short

everything slowed down a bit
and I try
with my cold fingers
to arrange my lips
into a smile
my foot moves
in the rhythm
that imitates my pulse