1. my head is fragile
and I don't want you
to cut yourself
when it falls apart
2. I'm not in love
with you
not because I can't
but because I know
then I'd have to leave
(I'm not ready yet)
3. when you have bad dreams
I kiss you and stroke your hair
it seems to work
in the morning you
never remember
any of that
4. at the night time
I sometimes get scared
and start to fall
if you are next to me
you whisper to my ear
that it's OK
5. you are not in love
with me
because I am full of
red flags and lines
not to be crossed
- but you hold my hand
when I fall asleep
(that's a lot)
6. we are bad in waking up
and leaving the bed
there are still
few months
ahead of us
7. I like your eyes
they are green
most of my favourite things
in life
have green eyes.