

my friend recently
sent me Bukowski's poem
with a note how it
reminds her of me

but I guess it's more difficult
to be a girl
that doesn't need to be defined
by the man
than a (talented) drunk
I do not have a man or a girl
that I could tell:
hey, I do not need to
be drunk or high
to write
(I don't)
my last relationship
happened years ago
and these days
I am just easy
(if I were a man
I'd be a stud)
and apparently
way too difficult
to be
golden girl

(but sure:
I can keep the drunk part)



I sometimes paint my fingernails
it's always black and white
and my nails never resemble
anything else than the fingernails
of someone who bites their fingers
to the bone

I do it even though
my sister always laughs
that it looks like nails coloured
with a sharpie and tippex
(they are not - 
- but they do look like this)
I do it even though
I can't really do it properly
I do it to prove myself
I am in charge
I do it to show the world
I don't care

one time
when I've felt extremely healthy
and brave
I've painted them red


Máthēma Of Depression (WiP)


prime numbers
can be divided
only by themselves
and one
it always seemed
like a good
starting point

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13… 

I always liked
the idea of 2
being the only
prime that was even
but there was
never anything even
about me
and always
plenty of odd

{ 2k+1:k ∈ Z }


they used to
teach us
that there are 
only two values:
and that things can be
either true
or false
(and there is nothing
in between)

x = 1 ⊕ x = 0

it never felt
like a good time
to start telling
the truth
so I just started
to stay silent
more and more

x = 0


my mind got broken
so many times
pieces went
and I knew
it will never be
whole again

x = [0,1)


I’ve been
too little:
too little of
a golden middle
or too little
to be
someone else’s
(soon I’ve became
too little
to be a
for myself)

x ∈ Ø


I could’ve been
too much:
it was like a
swear word
- by that time
I’ve already been
too much sad
for far too much time
so surely
too much can’t be
anything good
thus - surely -
I can’t be
any good



hay fever (507 days of spring)

It’s almost as if summer's exploded two days ago and covered grass with some make-shift flowers - flowers that won’t survive even for a week. I have a hay-fever and can’t really see on my left eye. Tears – meaningless but very salty – are dripping from my chin. I don’t have any tissues so I am trying to ignore them.
I start to count. It’s neither my heartbeat nor the passing seconds. Numbers appear and fade away on my inner eyelid. Three hundred. Shadow that more or less resembles a human being appears in front of me. “You are late”, I say so quietly that even I don’t know if I have managed to make any sound. Three hundred and one. In that exact moment all of the whys and whens actually escape me and it is necessary that I keep on counting - that’s the bright red thread that won’t let us get lost. You might be saying something but all that reaches me are muffled sounds in the background; I try to smile whilst navigating between the numbers. Three hundred thirty three. I think to myself that you are a little bit like this pollen in the air that surrounds me: you bring so many colours to the things around me and I can nearly see them, I can nearly smell them - I am sure I would - if only I wouldn’t cry all of the time. It’s not that I haven’t tried, for a while I’ve even taken pills for that and thought that maybe, just maybe, they could stop my tears. Three hundred fifty eight. It didn’t go as planned. I have to take a deep breath to fill in the spaces after all of the words I don’t want to think out-loud. I nearly lose my count. Three hundred ninety eight. By now, I can hear it in your voice, you are getting annoyed with my silence and you talk even more; you talk even louder. Four hundred twenty eight. I’d reply but I can’t stop counting: I need to count for us - our red thread entangled between the trees; red thread that can show us the way out from this wooden maze. Four hundred sixty six. Even my own thoughts have become blurred now. We stand opposite each other as if preparing for a duel and it’s only our shadows that hold each other’s hands. Four hundred ninety nine. I start to rush through the numbers and by now my right eye is also crying. Five hundred and five. We kiss good-bye. Five hundred and seven.